Thursday, March 24, 2011

I literally cried right there in the grocery store!

Last weekend, Hubby and I had a little disagreement about grocery shopping ( of all things ). He couldn't understand why I didn't want to take the baby with me to the store.

Amidst my tears and exhausted sobs, I retold this story:

* After school one day last week I took both boys to our local grocery store ( which I rarely go to) to grab a few staple items.
* Big G was walking ( well actually running and jumping and grabbing and poking....) and Baby G was in his carseat, which I put down inside the shopping cart.
* As I shopped, I wedged the random can of pears or bag of rice down into the cart behind and beside the car-seat. Actually, there was a loaf of bread and bag of salad resting on his legs. Everything fit, all was well...
* After waiting 10 minutes in line, we began to check out. By this time, the baby was extremely fussy and gearing up for a total screaming session and Big G was looking at the candy bars with total determination.
* Trying to be efficient and speedy, I asked Big G to put the bagged groceries in the cart. He began putting everything ( including a heavy bag of potatoes) on top of the baby b/c the bags would no longer fit around the carseat.  
* I then instructed Big G to take them out and put them on the rack underneath the cart. Whew, crisis averted. We're sailing now.
* Receipt in hand, I push the buggy forward. CRUNCH!
* I look down and see that all the groceries were underneath the cart- in the floor. The cashier THEN told me that the store had removed all the racks in an attempt to thwart shop-lifting.
* Crisis returns. Screaming baby, laughing 6 year old, mangled groceries, and me in the front of the IGA crying and vowing not to attempt grocery shopping with both boys again for at least a few more years.

This may have been the most stressed I've been since we brought
Baby G home. Probably the most embaressed as well....

Soooooo, I think re-telling this story to my hubby must have worked. He kept the boys @ home, and I took a leisurely ( yea, sure) trip to the grocery. Whatever.  

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!! I can identify with this story! My son screams every time I go to the grocery store! I found your blog from My Cup2Yours :-) Love your posts!
