Perhaps it was the week long break for my grueling graduate courses. Maybe it was the start-up of our "Adoption is Love" fundraising campaign. Or it could possibly be the dream I had last night about another little Christmas stocking next to Big G. Either way, my heart is heavy this week.
I am still being patient. But my patience is not as pretty as it has been. The smile is not quite as light-hearted. It's more of a "hold your head up and fake a smile" kind of patience. But it's still a smile. That counts, right?

With all that said, WE HAVE SOME NEWS. The agency director called today and asked permission to present our profile to a birth mother. We are not the only adoptive parents being presented.
I'm not sure what to pray for. Pray for a match? Pray for God's will for all involved? Pray for an ill birth mother choosing who will raise her baby boy?
Either way, please pray. Remember us when you talk to God tonight.
Just pray. You don't always have to have just the right words. God knows your heart. xo