A quick update on the adoption. We were chosen by a birth mom in Iowa back in early September. She said we were the "perfect" family! She was very close to her due date. But she stopped answering any calls and we lost all contact. The agency director thinks she had the baby and changed her mind :(
We were presented to a married couple in early October. We weren't chosen.
The director is not advising us to change our profile yet. She is confident that we will hear something in the near future. I keep reminding myself it has only been a few months.
So we wait. We pray. We cry. We wait. We enjoy our spunky little boy. We fundraise. We wait.
We do have names chosen. But we are keeping them to ourselves for a while.
For those of you following our journey, we are beginning to fundraise to help with expenses ( which I will blog about later!). I contacted an artist in Corbin who designed a super-cute shirt. Thanks to those of you who have already jumped on board. If you haven't, keep an eye out for the final design and prices. I will post the final design and prices on Facebook in the next few days. 

I promise I am going to be a better blogger from now on. I swear it Ma, I really am this time!
Keep the faith! Love you much :)