Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I finally have a reason to go to Babies R Us!
Birthmom has a doctor appointment yesterday, and she and baby are doing well. Our caseworker said that BM (birthmom) wants to have a conversation with me tomorrow. She is going to call me in the morning. I think it is a positive step towards building trust and confidence in us. But I am still nervous.I don't want to say the wrong thing or come across the wrong way.I want her to hang up the phone knowing she made the right decision and at peace with placing her baby with us. Please pray for me. I'm a mess!
Hubby and I are also preparing our home for the baby. We went to Babies R Us yesterday to get a carseat. WOW! I thought he was going to have to carry me out of the store! There is so much stuff there, and none of it is inexpensive!
Hope everyone is enjoying their day. We are going to do some family pictures later this afternoon, and then back home for soup, sandwiches, and game night!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Making Plans for Baby
Everything is still a go for baby G. His is due to arrive pretty soon. The birthmom is doing good and taking care of herself, and seems to be at peace with her decision. Please pray that she continues to think about what is best for the baby, and that she and baby stay healthy. We don't even want to think about the devastation of something going wrong.
Several of you have asked how the process works, or when he will be "ours". So here is what I know.
No earlier than 72 hours after the birth, the birthparents will sign a relinquishment of parental rights. This will grant us temporary custody of the baby.
We will stay a hotel unless we are cleared to leave the state ( 5-10 days). We can then come home.
The BM has about 20 days after she signs the papers to revoke her signature and parent the baby. Beyond that, focus shifts from whose biological child it is to who is best fit to parent him.
We cannot actually file for adoption until 90 days after the birth of the baby. But we will have legal custody of him as soon as she signs the papers at 72 hours.
I know its alot, but as I like to say- IT IS WHAT IT IS. People do much more risky and extraordinary things everyday. I know God will give us the strength to withstand all of this. We are praying fervenatly EVERYDAY that the BM continues to think about what is best for the baby.
By the way, we did get to name the baby. We love his name, and are so excited to share it with you later!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
NOW is the time for the runnin' man!
I am stupid-excited. Some of you party poopas have asked " what if this or that happens?". Well, there is absolutely nothing I can do to prevent what will be. All I know is that we are one step closer to adopting a sweet baby. We are trusting that God will see ALL of us through this process and protect our hearts.
Right now I need ya'll to pray that the birthmom is at peace with her decision and our relationship and trust grows stronger with each day. The baby is born in January, so hopefully she's spent some time thinking about this decision and is sure of the choices she has made.
Pray, pray, pray for the following:
Birthmom/Baby Health
Peace and Comfort about her decision
Brandon & I as we get our finances in order to travel and pay expenses
Gavin's understanding about what's going on
Monday, December 13, 2010
Potential Baby News
However, there has been some activity on the adoption front. We were matched with a couple up near Canada whose baby is due in early February. For whatever reason, they aren't communicating with the agency very well. So for the time being, that situation is on the back burner.
We have been presented to a birthmom in a neighboring state. She is due in early 2011. She was sent a handful of family profiles, and has seemed to narrow it down to us and another couple. She plans to take the profiles to a counselor today and review her options. The agency expects her decision by Wednesday at the latest. PLEASE PRAY for her as she makes ones of the biggest decisions of her life. Of course, we want to be the family she chooses for her sweet baby. But mostly, we want her to be at peace with her decision.
Based on my conversations with the agency, the other family probably has the advantage. The birthmom prefers both parents to be college-educated. I just hope that there is something, anything in our profile that stands out to her and tugs at her heartstrings. I hope she sees the love and committment in our marriage, the laughter and giggles at our house, and the wonderful life we could give to another child.
I will update when I hear something new! And again, please know how grateful I am that you care enough to read these blog posts. It really warms my heart to know that we have so much support on our journey to adopt.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
We got mashed yams, yams with nuts, buttered yams.....
Thursday, November 25, 2010
6 Minute Turkey
"The King wouldn't let us pray, so he put us on the Mayflower and shipped us here. We built houses out of wood and nails. The Indians showed us how to cook chickens on a stick. They showed us how to plant corn by putting fish in the ground. Then we had a long winter and ate 90 plates of food".
When asked how to prepare a Thanksgiving meal, he responded:
"Put on your boggin and boots. Get on the four wheeler and ride up the mountain. Shoot and turkey and yank its feathers out, because they don't taste good. Then mom will put some butter on it and cook it for 6 minutes".
Apparently, he has begun to notice that my secret ingrediant is always butter. Oh well, no one is complaining!
Happy Thanksgiving to all. May your fishy corn and 6 minute Turkey be everything you dreamed of!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
We wear it well!
As I've said before, this is no definite timeline for our adoption. We may get a child next month or wait until next Christmas. Either way, it is so comforting to know that the message of adoption is spreading throughout a little piece of our world.
I have to remind myself that the purpose of this blog shouldn't just be our journey to a child. It should also be about the miracle of adoption in the heart of every Christian.
God has the ability to take two seemingly hopeless situations and turn them into a beautiful forever family. You may not feel called to adopt, but every one of us is called to care. A simply prayer is a great way to start :)
By the way, I am beyond thankful that this is a TWO DAY WORK WEEK! I'm sure I am getting some amen's from fellow teachers right now!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
What does any of this have to do with ME?
In February of 2009, Mrs. Ponnee was so kind to email me about an adoption conference coming up at Southern Seminary. Dr. Russell Moore was the key speaker and Andrew Peterson did the worship music ( he remains my fave artist).
This link takes you to an excerpt written by Russell Moore. He and his wife Maria adopted two sweet boys from a Russian orphanage. His words break my heart everytime I read them.
He makes it very clear that the issue of adoption isn't just for people who want more children. It is for those who can pray, give, and go!
Adoption applies to all believers. It isn't just about the unwanted and orphaned children in our world. It is also about the wonderful love and mercy of God. God adopted all of us when we first believed in him.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Move over Sandra Lee!

This CHOCOLATE CHIP POUND CAKE is absolutely divine. A BIG slice of this cake paired with vanilla ice cream and hot coffee is the perfect way to end a cold workday!
Disclaimer- This recipe is the polar opposite of healthy and low-fat. It is saturated with chocolate awesomeness!
Here is the recipe:
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees & grease bundt pan.
2. Mix together the following: 1 pkg devils food cake, 1 pkg instant chocolate pudding, 3 eggs, 16 oz sour cream, 1/2 cup oil, 2 cups chocolate chips.
3. Pour into bundt cake and bake for 50-60 minutes.
4. Sprinkle with powdered sugar & ENJOY!
The batter is very thick. Don't worry, it will turn out fine.
Gavin isn't a big chocolate fan. But you can judge for yourself his reaction to this pound cake!

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Love Is Here
I was listening to Pandora tonight as I was working on a research paper and heard this song. It's been a favorite of mine since the first time I heard it. So in response to Marcie's post over at DWYH, this is me saying that I am UNASHAMED!
Listen and enjoy ♥
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Missionaries, Cookies, Cards, & Lightbulbs

We had dinner with and listened to an amazing missionary from Southeast Asia. The girls made cookies and cards for some local shut-ins, and also wrote letters to missionaries from around the world. It's amazing how easy it is to do something nice for someone. I would have loved to have helped the girls deliver those baskets of fresh-baked cookies and homemade cards!
Before bed, we watched a great movie about a missionary in the jungles of Columbia. If you get a chance, you need to watch " The Last Flight Out". It's definately not a big Hollywood production, but it's a great family movie with a great message.
At one point in the movie, a medical missionary is seriously injured. The pilot flying him asks why he still has faith. His response floored me. So simple, and so powerful. I have been going back to it time and time again this week. It was like a lightbulb moment for me. Ever have those?
As I wrestle with why the situation with the twins fell apart and why we haven't been successfully matched, I keep hearing " There is no better place to be than in the center of God's will- unless of course you are in His presence".
If we are meant to adopt, we will find the perfect child ( or they will find us). We've had a rough couple days letting go of the idea of bringing home those sweet girls, but we know we that things are happening as they are meant to.
P.S. The "Adoption is Love" shirts have been a big hit. THANK YOU GUYS !!! If you are interested in supporting our family on our adoption journey, you can check them out on my Facebook page ( there is an album of photos with the items/prices).
Friday, November 5, 2010
Hurt is inevitable in adoption....
I keep thinking about something I read last night on another adoptive mama's blog. She said that getting pregnant is never a guarentee, no matter how hard you want it to happen. But if you can withstand the wait and hurt that comes with adoption, you will be successful. May not be true, but it is making me feel better today.
We were communicating with a family wanting to place their 1 yr old twins. We even watched a video of the girls playing. I was hooked, and Hubby was pretty excited too. And in my true nature, I had their names already.
Unfortunately, there are some questions concerning who actually has custody of these sweet babies. There is a language barrier, so it is hard to get a direct answer.
To sum it up, we are not very hopeful. The only hope we have is that God would place a burden on the birthmom's heart to place these girls with us (she has been told she will lose her rights either way).
So once again, please pray. Pray that these girls will find their forever home. Even if it isn't with us, they deserve it.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
New Blog Look & New Adoption Updates
With that said, I am trying not to jump the gun here. I'm pretty good about not puttin' all my eggs into one basket, but I'm as nervous as a kitty in a room full of rockin' chairs waiting to hear back from our adoption agency.
As of right now, we are being presented in two different situations. One is a baby due in Febuary, and the other is 14 month old twin girls. YES, I said twin girls!
Can you hear me laughing at myself through that computer? It makes me chuckle to think about me chasing around two little girls. But there is a sweet smile with that chuckle.
It is overwhelming to think about our profiles being looked at by two different families. This may be the beginning of something. It may not. I take so much comfort in knowing that my God knows exactly what is going to happen and that he planned it all for a purpose.
Funny story to share: I texted a friend today and told her to double her prayers tonight. She called me within 5 minutes ( shes a texter, not a talker). When I answered she practically jumped through the phone and said " You CAN'T send me a text like that and not explain yourself!"
Friday, October 29, 2010
Pretty Patience
Perhaps it was the week long break for my grueling graduate courses. Maybe it was the start-up of our "Adoption is Love" fundraising campaign. Or it could possibly be the dream I had last night about another little Christmas stocking next to Big G. Either way, my heart is heavy this week.
I am still being patient. But my patience is not as pretty as it has been. The smile is not quite as light-hearted. It's more of a "hold your head up and fake a smile" kind of patience. But it's still a smile. That counts, right?

With all that said, WE HAVE SOME NEWS. The agency director called today and asked permission to present our profile to a birth mother. We are not the only adoptive parents being presented.
I'm not sure what to pray for. Pray for a match? Pray for God's will for all involved? Pray for an ill birth mother choosing who will raise her baby boy?
Either way, please pray. Remember us when you talk to God tonight.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I am alive and blogging!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The cause of my insomnia!
I spend countless hours laying in the bed thinking about baby names. I run through the alphabet with both boy and girl names. I surf the internet at least every other day. I wear my family out suggesting and questioning new names I've come up with.
I would LOVE input. I probably won't stop my name-finding antics anytime soon, but i would like to hear what other people think.
Girl Names:
Lucy Caroline
Lucy Blair
Elin Blair
Amelia Blair
Amelia Suzanne
Boy Names:
Ian David
Hayden Scott ( Hayes is my middle name, as well as my dad)
Micah David
Alec David
Isaac David
Jonah David
Colin David
I may have months or even years to pick out a name. I may have to decide next week. Who knows!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
My eyes are crossed & the pen is out of ink!
BTW, I do not think umpteen is a word, but it fit my purpose :)
Proposed Name Change: Above said " homestudy" needs to be changed to " Whole Life, Inner thoughts and feelings, ability to gather 1000+ documents" Study!
I worked on our Family Profile for the placement agency into the wee hours of the night, and that should be completed and on it's way early this week.
There is a substantial discount if the homestudy, contract, and profile is completed by June 30th. Brandon and I went to town today and had the agency agreement and contract mailed overnight so that we don't miss the deadline.
Just got back from Charleston, SC. Had an awesome time with my preggo sister Liz. Baby Cole will be here soon! We are all sooooo excited!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Chickens & Weasles ( you have to read on to understand)
Big G: Mom, I have tiny bumps all over my body.
Me: It looks like a heat rash.
Big G: No mom, it looks like I have the chicken box.
Me: I don't think you have the chicken pox Gavin. You are fine.
Big G: Well maybe it ain't the chicken box. Maybe it is the weasles.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
On the road again!
Almost every day of this past week was spent on the road going somewhere with a whole bunch of fiesty 8th graders! On Wednesday, a few of the teachers walked a group of students to 2 Amigos Mexican Restaurant (the pollo loco is soooo good). On Thursday, our whole team went to Dollywood. On Friday, our wonderful FRYSC director arranged a trip to the Corbin Cinemas (we saw Letters to Juliet) Whew! What a busy week! Needless to say, I am extremely tired this morning. But man, we had fun!
8th graders are tough to read sometimes. They are constantly bouncing back and forth between childhood and adulthood. They are trying to deal with parents, homework, and hormones, all the while still staying "cool". All that aside, the look on their faces when they are riding those roller coasters or hanging out at the movies during the school-day is priceless. They know they have worked so hard to have earned those trips, and they enjoy every second!
Those are some of the moments that remind us all why teaching is so important. Next time I feel overwhelmed or stressed with my job, I am going to remember the excitement in their eyes when they are enjoying the rewards of hard-work. It really does make me feel so blessed!
* I have to add that the food and service at 2 Amigos was excellent! They handled 90 kids extremely well!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Who will cry for the Orphan Child?
This video takes my breath away every time I watch it, which is pretty often. To think we dare complain about our hectic schedules, grocery bills, or the weather! 143,000,000 orphans in this world . Who will cry for them? Who will love them? Who will pray for these beautiful little children?
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Flip Flop Fights & a Yellow Jacket Graduation
Gavin promised to behave himself at his preschool graduation.
Then he literally stuck his hand into a swarm of yellow jackets, and I just KNEW he was going to be quite the terror :)
Apparently, yellow jacket stings don't cause grouchiness or pain, just the irresistable urge to take off your flip-flop and hurl it at your best cousin Joey!
Welcome & home-study visit
This blog will feature cute stories and pictures of Gavin, daily musing from me, and updates about our journey towards adopting.
For those of you wondering, our first home study visit went great! Our caseworker is wonderful. She made Brandon and I feel so at ease with the whole process, and she provided ALOT of information about things to come. In addition, she totally didn't mind that our yorkie Cooper sat on top of her the whole time chewing on the obnoxious 3 pound bone he totes around.