Today I am saying SO WHAT IF:
* I have lived in my house for 3 years and have never mopped ALL the floors. I mop what needs to be mopped. Period.
* I never do tummy-time with Baby G. He hates it.
* I am horrible at sending " Thank You" cards. But I'm working on it.
* I like to listen to NPR radio in my car ( just like my dad does). Sometimes I listen to country afterwards just to balance things out a bit!
* Sometimes I eat cereal for dinner b/c I'm too tired to cook.
* I usually don't listen to the advice of others.
* I spent way too much money starting a Mary Kay business, only to realize I hated selling makeup.
* I look for reasons to go to my mom & dad's house. Sometimes I make up a reason ;)
* I usually can't stick to my " One Mt. Dew per day" rule. I CRAVE it!
* I have thrown socks away because I can't find the match. Whatever.
I'm linking up to Life After I Dew for So What Wednesday.
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