I have decided to participate in Courtney's 31-Day Challenge to make my home a haven.
There is no place on Earth I would rather be than my home. I love everything about it. It's cozy, it's inviting, it's full of love and laughter. It is where our children grow and our memories are made. I refer back to Proverbs 24:3-4 often when I think about my role as mommy and wife.
We have recently done some painting and bought new bedroom furniture. This week's challenge for me has to put my house back in order. I have also done a tiny bit of Fall decorating. I may upload some pics soon and share.
Nothing specific, I just thought I would invite you all along for the journey. I would love to know some helpful tips about staying organized with two little ones.
* As a teacher, I struggle daily with the fact that for many of my students, home is not a safe place. I cannot change this fact, but I do pray for them daily and try to make their time with me count. I do my best to not use sarcasm or harsh tones with my students ( they are 8th graders so I fail at this constantly). I am sure that is all some of them hear at home.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Date night turned into 2 hours in the paint aisle!
We are having our living room, kitchen, and one hallway of our house painted this weekend. Anyone who knows me very well knows that I am the QUEEN of indecision! I like almost all colors and styles of decor, but choosing them is such a task for me. I told my hubby that if I were house-shopping or visiting someone's home, I would love this color or that one. But going to Lowe's and choosing one blue out of the 500 is so daunting for me. I have hot flashes, I get teary and cry, I sweat, I stare at the colors until my eyes cross. When hubby got hateful and both boys started crying, I finally decided. It was pathetic. Anyway, here is what I chose.
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Really highlights the warm tones of our natural cherry cabinets. This beat out hubby's vote for orange. I hope I don't get tired of this yellow during the winter months. |
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Nice neutral color for hallway. It's long and narrow and I wanted a shade that would be airy and fresh. This just screams airy and fresh, right? My husband says it scream khaki. |
Quick update on the Facebook dilemma: I somehow deleted a few of my apps off my iPhone the other day, one of which was the beloved FB. I'm too lazy busy to re-install it, so now I am forced to sit down at a desktop to access FB. Once again, too busy. Problem solved.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Facebook woes and Falling
If it isn't obvious, I fell off the face of the blog-o-sphere! This is a crazy, busy season of life for us.
Big G is almost 7, and my sweet little chunky monkey is 8 months old. I will post a picture very soon.
I contemplated not keeping my blog up for several reasons. The first and foremost being that I really need to focus my efforts on my hubby, children, and home. Because I am working right now, I definately feel stretched at the end of every day. Laundry, homework, play time, story time, bath time, dinner....... It never ends. However, I really enjoy connecting with other young Christian momma's. I'm not ready to give that up just yet.....
Another time-waster for me has been Facebook. I have been praying alot about whether or not it is a healthy part of my life. Although I do buy alot of clothes for myself and Big G from FB friends, I find myself frequently logging on just to see what other people are doing.
Seriously!!!! Why am I concerning myself with the goings-on of other people. Other than out of town family on my FB, I really cannot afford the time to browse through other people's lives ( especially when my dishes are piling up and the phone is ringing!)
Do you find yourself struggling with this aspect of social networking too?
I may do the blog, and cancel the FB. Or I may just restrict my FB activity to just virtual yard-sales and my online Bible Study ( through Good Morning Girls). I'll let ya know.....
Big G is almost 7, and my sweet little chunky monkey is 8 months old. I will post a picture very soon.
I contemplated not keeping my blog up for several reasons. The first and foremost being that I really need to focus my efforts on my hubby, children, and home. Because I am working right now, I definately feel stretched at the end of every day. Laundry, homework, play time, story time, bath time, dinner....... It never ends. However, I really enjoy connecting with other young Christian momma's. I'm not ready to give that up just yet.....
Another time-waster for me has been Facebook. I have been praying alot about whether or not it is a healthy part of my life. Although I do buy alot of clothes for myself and Big G from FB friends, I find myself frequently logging on just to see what other people are doing.
Seriously!!!! Why am I concerning myself with the goings-on of other people. Other than out of town family on my FB, I really cannot afford the time to browse through other people's lives ( especially when my dishes are piling up and the phone is ringing!)
Do you find yourself struggling with this aspect of social networking too?
I may do the blog, and cancel the FB. Or I may just restrict my FB activity to just virtual yard-sales and my online Bible Study ( through Good Morning Girls). I'll let ya know.....
Friday, March 25, 2011
Meatloaf Magic!
Again, I am participating in Marcie's DWYH Homemaking Party. As always, I'm always on the hunt for hearty and fast meals to fill the bellies of my two hungry guys :)
Sooooooo, I made the most AMAZING meatloaf last weekend. It was honestly the best meatloaf I have ever had! I'm not usually very cocky, I'm just being honest here. When I tasted it, I really felt like I'd done something special :)
I pulled out all my many meatload recipes, and pulled from each one what I thought would make a good recipe. Also, I didn't want to wait 1 1/2 hours for baking, so I skipped the "loaf" part and formed them into patties. This cut the cooking time down to about 30 minutes.
2 lbs hamburger meat
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 cup ketchup
1 cup dry dressing mix ( I used Stove-Top Herb)
Mix all ingrediants well and form into patties. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. I brushed mine with ketchup during the last 10 minutes.
The dry stuffing mix is the magic ingredient I think. It absorbed some moisture while baking, but still stayed crunchy and flavorful!
I served this with mashed potatoes, a quick salad, and biscuits. It's rare to find a meatloaf that kids really like. Big G, my nieces Emily and Joey, and all the adults left smiling and full!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
I literally cried right there in the grocery store!
Last weekend, Hubby and I had a little disagreement about grocery shopping ( of all things ). He couldn't understand why I didn't want to take the baby with me to the store.
Amidst my tears and exhausted sobs, I retold this story:
* After school one day last week I took both boys to our local grocery store ( which I rarely go to) to grab a few staple items.
* Big G was walking ( well actually running and jumping and grabbing and poking....) and Baby G was in his carseat, which I put down inside the shopping cart.
* As I shopped, I wedged the random can of pears or bag of rice down into the cart behind and beside the car-seat. Actually, there was a loaf of bread and bag of salad resting on his legs. Everything fit, all was well...
* After waiting 10 minutes in line, we began to check out. By this time, the baby was extremely fussy and gearing up for a total screaming session and Big G was looking at the candy bars with total determination.
* Trying to be efficient and speedy, I asked Big G to put the bagged groceries in the cart. He began putting everything ( including a heavy bag of potatoes) on top of the baby b/c the bags would no longer fit around the carseat.
* I then instructed Big G to take them out and put them on the rack underneath the cart. Whew, crisis averted. We're sailing now.
* Receipt in hand, I push the buggy forward. CRUNCH!
* I look down and see that all the groceries were underneath the cart- in the floor. The cashier THEN told me that the store had removed all the racks in an attempt to thwart shop-lifting.
* Crisis returns. Screaming baby, laughing 6 year old, mangled groceries, and me in the front of the IGA crying and vowing not to attempt grocery shopping with both boys again for at least a few more years.
This may have been the most stressed I've been since we brought
Baby G home. Probably the most embaressed as well....
Soooooo, I think re-telling this story to my hubby must have worked. He kept the boys @ home, and I took a leisurely ( yea, sure) trip to the grocery. Whatever.
Amidst my tears and exhausted sobs, I retold this story:
* After school one day last week I took both boys to our local grocery store ( which I rarely go to) to grab a few staple items.
* Big G was walking ( well actually running and jumping and grabbing and poking....) and Baby G was in his carseat, which I put down inside the shopping cart.
* As I shopped, I wedged the random can of pears or bag of rice down into the cart behind and beside the car-seat. Actually, there was a loaf of bread and bag of salad resting on his legs. Everything fit, all was well...
* After waiting 10 minutes in line, we began to check out. By this time, the baby was extremely fussy and gearing up for a total screaming session and Big G was looking at the candy bars with total determination.
* Trying to be efficient and speedy, I asked Big G to put the bagged groceries in the cart. He began putting everything ( including a heavy bag of potatoes) on top of the baby b/c the bags would no longer fit around the carseat.
* I then instructed Big G to take them out and put them on the rack underneath the cart. Whew, crisis averted. We're sailing now.
* Receipt in hand, I push the buggy forward. CRUNCH!
* I look down and see that all the groceries were underneath the cart- in the floor. The cashier THEN told me that the store had removed all the racks in an attempt to thwart shop-lifting.
* Crisis returns. Screaming baby, laughing 6 year old, mangled groceries, and me in the front of the IGA crying and vowing not to attempt grocery shopping with both boys again for at least a few more years.
This may have been the most stressed I've been since we brought
Baby G home. Probably the most embaressed as well....
Soooooo, I think re-telling this story to my hubby must have worked. He kept the boys @ home, and I took a leisurely ( yea, sure) trip to the grocery. Whatever.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
So What Wednesday!
I really enjoyed last week's So What Wednesday, and have gotten some comments about how accurate and brutally honest it was. It's all in good fun, so here we go again!
* I sometimes hit snooze too many times and am forced to "baby-powder" my hair ( frugal version of dry shampoo)
* Even with concentrated detergents, I still fill to the line
* Hubby & I use the same toothbrush sometimes
* I will go without groceries rather than taking both boys to the store
* I do NOT understand the stock market ( I don't care to either )
* Even with lesson plans, I'm usually only one or two days ahead of my kids @ school
* I don't have time to read, but continue to download books on my new NookColor
* I seem to be the only girl/woman my age who loathes Jersey Shore
* If you are firmly opposed to E-readers, live for the fist-pumping action of the Jersday nights, or are grossed out by my germ-swapping dental tendencies, Iwholeheartedly apologize :)
* I sometimes hit snooze too many times and am forced to "baby-powder" my hair ( frugal version of dry shampoo)
* Even with concentrated detergents, I still fill to the line
* Hubby & I use the same toothbrush sometimes
* I will go without groceries rather than taking both boys to the store
* I do NOT understand the stock market ( I don't care to either )
* Even with lesson plans, I'm usually only one or two days ahead of my kids @ school
* I don't have time to read, but continue to download books on my new NookColor
* I seem to be the only girl/woman my age who loathes Jersey Shore
* If you are firmly opposed to E-readers, live for the fist-pumping action of the Jersday nights, or are grossed out by my germ-swapping dental tendencies, I
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Time Management for New Mommies!
I never dreamed being a mommy to two little ones would be as rewarding as fun as it has been so far! I also never dreamed that our daily life would change so drastically.
Getting out of the house with a fully clothed and fed 6 year old isn't always an easy feat. Adding a 10 pound screamer didn't really help matters!
Since Hubby works away during the week, I am on my own with the kids. Getting the housework done, dinners prepared, stories read, and baths given have proven to be a complete juggling act for me.
One issue I have had to wrestle with in my mind is that of community and church involvement. It is sooooo hard for me to tell people no, especially when the time committment is for a good cause.
After alot of praying, my thought process has started to change about how my time is spent outside of home. I am beginning to think of my boys ( hubby included) and my home as my mission field. I know that there are many needs in our community, but I cannot reason attending to those at the expense of our homelife.
Big G still does his karate, and I am still part of our local womens community improvement group. Sunday worship is still a priority, as is time with friends and family. Beyond that, my reply will probably be a gracious and polite no!
Monday, March 21, 2011
My 2 Blonde Boys!
Here are the birth announcements for baby G and they are so sweet. I wanted a two sided card to give to family and friends. The side with boy boys can be framed, and the other side has the baby's birth information ( I cropped it out for the blog).
If I say so myself, I think I have two beautiful little boys!
Baby G just looks so cute propped up on that rocking horse. Big G said the photographer is magic because he made me disappear! I hated to tell him it was actually called photo-shop!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Ritz & Poppy Seed Chicken Casserole
This is probably one of my favorite "go-to" dinners. It really is the simplest, most delicious casserole! After coming home from work yesterday and knowing I had two hungry boys ( and myself) to feed, this was on the table in less than 30 minutes.
To make prep easy, I start with a store-bought rotisserie chicken. The only other ingrediant I had to buy was sour cream, making the total for this meal about $7.00!* Pull the chicken off the bones and throw into a large mixing bowl.
* Add one can cream of mushroom soup, 3 large dollops of sour cream, and one tbsp poppy seed
* Pour chicken mixture into 9 x 9 baking dish.
*Crush 2 sleeves of Ritz Crackers and sprinkle on top.
* Finish with another tbsp of poppy seeds and 1/2 stick melted butter
* Bake for 30 minutes and ENJOY!
Quick. Easy. Awesome! With it I served a quick tossed salad and King's Hawaiian dinner rolls. You really should give this recipe a try. If you do, let me know what you think!
To make prep easy, I start with a store-bought rotisserie chicken. The only other ingrediant I had to buy was sour cream, making the total for this meal about $7.00!
* Add one can cream of mushroom soup, 3 large dollops of sour cream, and one tbsp poppy seed
* Pour chicken mixture into 9 x 9 baking dish.
*Crush 2 sleeves of Ritz Crackers and sprinkle on top.
* Finish with another tbsp of poppy seeds and 1/2 stick melted butter
* Bake for 30 minutes and ENJOY!
Quick. Easy. Awesome! With it I served a quick tossed salad and King's Hawaiian dinner rolls. You really should give this recipe a try. If you do, let me know what you think!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
So What Wednesday!
Today I am saying SO WHAT IF:
* I have lived in my house for 3 years and have never mopped ALL the floors. I mop what needs to be mopped. Period.
* I never do tummy-time with Baby G. He hates it.
* I am horrible at sending " Thank You" cards. But I'm working on it.
* I like to listen to NPR radio in my car ( just like my dad does). Sometimes I listen to country afterwards just to balance things out a bit!
* Sometimes I eat cereal for dinner b/c I'm too tired to cook.
* I usually don't listen to the advice of others.
* I spent way too much money starting a Mary Kay business, only to realize I hated selling makeup.
* I look for reasons to go to my mom & dad's house. Sometimes I make up a reason ;)
* I usually can't stick to my " One Mt. Dew per day" rule. I CRAVE it!
* I have thrown socks away because I can't find the match. Whatever.
I'm linking up to Life After I Dew for So What Wednesday.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Tidy Tips that work for me!
I have discovered recently that there is so much more to homemaking that just " cleaning ". It took me several years as a wife and momma to recognize this. With the addition of sweet baby G, I have been forced to find more efficient ways of keeping my home neat and tidy ( and my sanity in check!)
Here are a few "tricks" that seem to save me time and work:
* We don't use them often, but paper plates and plastic utensils are great for snacks and sandwiches when the dishwasher is full and I don't have time to empty it. This helps keep my kitchen clean!
* I DESPISE putting away laundry, so I force myself to hang everything ( yes, even Hubby's undershirts) up before it ever leaves the laundry room. Everyone in the house transfers their empty hangers there once a week, so clothes don't get folded up and forgotten!
* I keep Lysol wipes in both bathrooms, the kitchen, and the laundry room. A quick swipe when I notice dirt or crumbs or smudges prevents having to spend a lot of time on it later.
* In my living room, I keep a basket with my dust cloth and spray and Febreze air freshener. If I running low on time or unexpected company is coming, I have those items on hand and the basket doubles as a catch-all!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
New Pediatrician & New Formula
* This is Day 1 of Nutramigen
*Nutramigen smells like Cheese-Nips and feet ( not kidding here, it really does)
* Nutramigen formula is almost $30 a can, and there doesn't seem to be ANY coupons out there
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Formula #1 Similac Advance |
We switched the baby from our family doc to a new pediatrician, and the first appointment was yesterday. The 50 minutes drive was sooooo worth it! He addressed Baby G's tummy issues and constant cough/congestion.
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Formula #2 Similac Sensitive |
He ordered a chest xray to rule out pneumonia and physical abnormalities. When it was good, he told us he suspected both issues were related to an allergy issue with his formula. Big G never dealt with these issues, as I nursed him. I'm trying to be patient with this formula roller coaster we're on, but I hate seeing my baby uncomfortable.
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Formula #3 Enfamil Nutramigen |
* This is Day 1 of Nutramigen
*Nutramigen smells like Cheese-Nips and feet ( not kidding here, it really does)
* Nutramigen formula is almost $30 a can, and there doesn't seem to be ANY coupons out there
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Pokin' holes in pop cans!
My 6 year old, Big G, has recently started being a little destructive. He is normally very meek, but apparently he has these weird temptations. I'm not talking about anything serious, so it is almost comical. However, I don't want him to begin thinking this behavior is okay.
Just to give you an idea of what he has done ( bless his heart, this is soooo unlike him )
* He cut in half the only suction bulb we have for the baby. I bought another that didn't work, so we've had a stuffy baby ever since :(
* He used a thumbtack to poke holes in 3 cans of soda in my classroom. It wasn't unlike I felt the sticky mist of Dr. Pepper that I saw him toss the thumbtack behind a desk.
* He un-stuffed one of my mother's nice feather throw pillows. The living room floor looked like a "down" explosion.
So, based on the advice of an older mom, I have decided that we need to do some "tomato-staking" with Big G before I get too stressed!
The idea is that in order to train your child and correct bad behavior, you have to truly know their heart. Talk with them about why they feel the desire to carry out the action, and show them ways to deal with those desires. The goal is to correct the behavior without spanking or negative punishment. Of course, we have to do these things every now and then. However, there is never a time when I really want to spank him.
Lastly, and probably most important, is the actual "tomato-staking". The name is wacky, but the idea is pretty basic. You have to involve your child in almost every activity you do and watch them constantly, until they are trustworthy enough to be alone. This is the key thing for me. It seems like nearly everytime he is alone, he does something like this. So I guess he doesn't need to be alone very much.....
I will let you know how this goes. Big G is pretty independent and likes to do his own thing alot of times, so taking away his freedom at home will be difficult. Hopefully, it's not a complete bust!
* Scroll to the bottom of the page & click on the DWYH button for more parenting and homemaking links!
Just to give you an idea of what he has done ( bless his heart, this is soooo unlike him )
* He cut in half the only suction bulb we have for the baby. I bought another that didn't work, so we've had a stuffy baby ever since :(
* He used a thumbtack to poke holes in 3 cans of soda in my classroom. It wasn't unlike I felt the sticky mist of Dr. Pepper that I saw him toss the thumbtack behind a desk.
* He un-stuffed one of my mother's nice feather throw pillows. The living room floor looked like a "down" explosion.
So, based on the advice of an older mom, I have decided that we need to do some "tomato-staking" with Big G before I get too stressed!
The idea is that in order to train your child and correct bad behavior, you have to truly know their heart. Talk with them about why they feel the desire to carry out the action, and show them ways to deal with those desires. The goal is to correct the behavior without spanking or negative punishment. Of course, we have to do these things every now and then. However, there is never a time when I really want to spank him.
Lastly, and probably most important, is the actual "tomato-staking". The name is wacky, but the idea is pretty basic. You have to involve your child in almost every activity you do and watch them constantly, until they are trustworthy enough to be alone. This is the key thing for me. It seems like nearly everytime he is alone, he does something like this. So I guess he doesn't need to be alone very much.....
I will let you know how this goes. Big G is pretty independent and likes to do his own thing alot of times, so taking away his freedom at home will be difficult. Hopefully, it's not a complete bust!
* Scroll to the bottom of the page & click on the DWYH button for more parenting and homemaking links!
Monday, March 7, 2011
3 Years Cancer Free
3 years ago I learned the true meaning of the word " bittersweet".
November 26, 2007- we moved into our newly built home.
November 28, 2007- Big G's 3rd birthday party in our new home
December 2007- My 23rd birthday and college graduation.
January 2008-I took a substitute teaching position
Febuary 2008- Got hired for the job.
During all of this wonderful craziness, I ignored the obvious and persistant bleeding I was experiencing everytime I used the restroom. When life slowed down a bit ( end of Feb), I made an appointment with my family doctor. He referred me to a specialist who recommended I have a colonoscopy. On March 3, my family wished me well as I went back for the procedure assuming I would be told I had ulcers or maybe IBS.
On March 6, my husband, parents, and oldest sister took me back to the doctor for the results. As soon as the doctor walked in, he stated that he had carried around my chart all day wondering how to tell me I had a 2.5 cm tumor in my lower colon.
I don't really remember how my family handled the news that day, but I do remember they wouldn't leave the house when we returned. The 30 minute drive home was horrible. The only thing I remember is the intense desire to hold my baby boy. When we got home, he rushed into my arms just as he did everyday. That hug felt so good. Sweet innocense and love all wrapped up in my arms. It felt like everything was perfectly fine at that point.
However, it only took a few seconds for the bitter to wash over me. It hurt beyond belief to even think about this little boy not having a mommy. I was ANGRY more than I was scared. I was so mad that he was going to have to deal with this.
The emotions I felt during that hug seemed like they are burned into my heart. I think about that hug ALOT.
I won't go into detail about my treatment, but I will tell you that I kicked cancer in the butt ( haha ) and I am now three years cancer free!
November 26, 2007- we moved into our newly built home.
November 28, 2007- Big G's 3rd birthday party in our new home
December 2007- My 23rd birthday and college graduation.
January 2008-I took a substitute teaching position
Febuary 2008- Got hired for the job.
During all of this wonderful craziness, I ignored the obvious and persistant bleeding I was experiencing everytime I used the restroom. When life slowed down a bit ( end of Feb), I made an appointment with my family doctor. He referred me to a specialist who recommended I have a colonoscopy. On March 3, my family wished me well as I went back for the procedure assuming I would be told I had ulcers or maybe IBS.
On March 6, my husband, parents, and oldest sister took me back to the doctor for the results. As soon as the doctor walked in, he stated that he had carried around my chart all day wondering how to tell me I had a 2.5 cm tumor in my lower colon.
I don't really remember how my family handled the news that day, but I do remember they wouldn't leave the house when we returned. The 30 minute drive home was horrible. The only thing I remember is the intense desire to hold my baby boy. When we got home, he rushed into my arms just as he did everyday. That hug felt so good. Sweet innocense and love all wrapped up in my arms. It felt like everything was perfectly fine at that point.
However, it only took a few seconds for the bitter to wash over me. It hurt beyond belief to even think about this little boy not having a mommy. I was ANGRY more than I was scared. I was so mad that he was going to have to deal with this.
The emotions I felt during that hug seemed like they are burned into my heart. I think about that hug ALOT.
I won't go into detail about my treatment, but I will tell you that I kicked cancer in the butt ( haha ) and I am now three years cancer free!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Kelly's Korner- Show Us Your Life Series
I have enjoyed reading the SUYL series at Kelly's Korner for the past year or so. This is the first time I have ever participated though. The week is all about family.
When I was little, Robyn was almost like a second mother. Even though she still busts that out every so often, we are now very good friends. She is voice of reason in my new momma insanity, and always makes me feel better when I'm down.
There can be no situation in life in which the conversation of my dear sister will not administer some comfort to me. ~Mary Montagu
Here are a few things I love about my sister Robyn
* Your newfound talent for cupcaking
* Your soft voice and sweet laugh
* Memories of listening to your Paula Abdul and Prince RECORDS!
* That you love live music as much as I do
* Our random midnight runs to Wal-mart
* Your courage and determination to finish your degree
* That fact that your hair always looks good
* Remembering all the fun times we had while you were driving me the 90 miles to chemo everyday for months
* Our shared love of Starbucks, SNL, flip-flops, candles, and lip gloss
I grew up pretty much in the shadow of Liz. I stole her clothes, eavesdropped her phone calls, and annoyed her friends. But when she moved off to college, we immediately became great friends. Even though she is 7 hours away, we talk almost every day. I am so thankful that God blessed me with two beautiful sisters!
A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty
Here are a few things I love about my sister Elizabeth
* Memories of us staying home together during the summers ( You introduced me to pizza rolls, and you always made my scrambled eggs just how I wanted)
* You can put anyone else in their place ( especially these strong-willed men in our family! )
* I so admire your style- home decor, cooking, clothing, etc.
* You understand me even when I don't understand myself
* Our shared love of reality tv, community service, and Banana Republic
* Your hilarious teacher stories
* Memories of us camping all the way to Canada- I don't know how Dad dealt with our whining!
Sometimes my sisters and I joke that in the end, we will all end up living together in an old farmhouse. We'll spend our days drinking sweet tea and rocking on the front porch. I can imagine we will fuss with each other, and then solve the worlds problems!
P.S. That was in good fun, we all actually plan on spending the rest of my life with our sweet hubbies. Brandon and I will spend our time on the front porch too, and I am sure we will fuss. But he hates sweet tea!
Since they have both played such a big role in my life, I decided to focus on my two sisters. I was blessed to be born the baby sister of 2 older girls. From left: Robyn, Liz, Momma Betty, Suzi
Aren't my sisters and momma just gorgeous!?
When I was little, Robyn was almost like a second mother. Even though she still busts that out every so often, we are now very good friends. She is voice of reason in my new momma insanity, and always makes me feel better when I'm down.
There can be no situation in life in which the conversation of my dear sister will not administer some comfort to me. ~Mary Montagu
Here are a few things I love about my sister Robyn
* Your newfound talent for cupcaking
* Your soft voice and sweet laugh
* Memories of listening to your Paula Abdul and Prince RECORDS!
* That you love live music as much as I do
* Our random midnight runs to Wal-mart
* Your courage and determination to finish your degree
* That fact that your hair always looks good
* Remembering all the fun times we had while you were driving me the 90 miles to chemo everyday for months
* Our shared love of Starbucks, SNL, flip-flops, candles, and lip gloss
I grew up pretty much in the shadow of Liz. I stole her clothes, eavesdropped her phone calls, and annoyed her friends. But when she moved off to college, we immediately became great friends. Even though she is 7 hours away, we talk almost every day. I am so thankful that God blessed me with two beautiful sisters!
A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty
Here are a few things I love about my sister Elizabeth
* Memories of us staying home together during the summers ( You introduced me to pizza rolls, and you always made my scrambled eggs just how I wanted)
* You can put anyone else in their place ( especially these strong-willed men in our family! )
* I so admire your style- home decor, cooking, clothing, etc.
* You understand me even when I don't understand myself
* Our shared love of reality tv, community service, and Banana Republic
* Your hilarious teacher stories
* Memories of us camping all the way to Canada- I don't know how Dad dealt with our whining!
Sometimes my sisters and I joke that in the end, we will all end up living together in an old farmhouse. We'll spend our days drinking sweet tea and rocking on the front porch. I can imagine we will fuss with each other, and then solve the worlds problems!
P.S. That was in good fun, we all actually plan on spending the rest of my life with our sweet hubbies. Brandon and I will spend our time on the front porch too, and I am sure we will fuss. But he hates sweet tea!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Fast & Fabulous Rice Pudding with Cranberries
My way of staying sane in the kitchen is to plan out my meals. I am not great at it, but I do make sure I have what I need for the week's meals ahead of time.
My hubby works out of town all week, so he isn't too keen on fast food or quick fix meals. He basically wants meat and potatoes all the time! Monday-Wednesday and Sunday nights are quick meals ( baked chicken, chilli, salads, anything crock pot, etc.)
This is the recipe I made Friday night for dessert. Both my mother and I thought the flavor was FABULOUS!!!! However, it was my first time ever making rice pudding, so the rice was a bit undercooked. Also, I used dried cranberries instead of cherries ( I keep them on hand for oatmeal and salads).
It is well worth the 30 minutes of prep! If you try it, let me know what you think.
1 1/2 cups milk
1 1/2 cups water
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup uncooked long grain white rice
1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
2/3 cup dried cherries
2 tablespoons heavy cream
2 tablespoons vanilla extract
1/2 orange, zested
Ground nutmeg, for garnish, optional ( I didn't have this on hand, didn't miss it either!)
Put the rice in the top of a double boiler set over simmering water. Add milk, water, salt and rice. Cover and cook until the rice is tender. Stir in the condensed milk, cherries, and heavy cream. Cook over simmering water about 20 minutes or until the pudding thickens slightly, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla and orange zest. Spoon pudding into individual bowls and sprinkle with nutmeg. Serve warm.
Friday, February 25, 2011
No one does comfort food better than Paula Deen!
I usually cook a big meal on Thursday when hubby gets home, so Fridays are often homemade pizza or quesadillas. However, I actually went to work this week. I am not tired as much as I am homesick. My tummy needs some soul food!
Giving in to these calorie and fat-laden craving will require not only shopping for the ingrediants, but also the preparation, serving, and cleaning up of the mess I will make. Dinner will be definately followed by a nap!
I knew I was going to do good ole BBQ chicken on the grill, a big salad, and sweet yeast rolls. I found a great Paula Deen recipe for baked mac & cheese that sounds soooooo good! It is cheesy and rich, with a little kick! It will be perfect I'm sure!
I am also making a rice pudding from a recipe her son uses. It has dried cranberries, orange zest, and nutmeg in it. That just screams " comfort food" to me! It also has sweetened condensed milk and heavy cream. Need I say more!
Hopefully it will be exactly what we all need to wind down from a rainy workweek! I will let you know how it goes. Hopefully the recipes deem themselves share-worthy!
Giving in to these calorie and fat-laden craving will require not only shopping for the ingrediants, but also the preparation, serving, and cleaning up of the mess I will make. Dinner will be definately followed by a nap!
I knew I was going to do good ole BBQ chicken on the grill, a big salad, and sweet yeast rolls. I found a great Paula Deen recipe for baked mac & cheese that sounds soooooo good! It is cheesy and rich, with a little kick! It will be perfect I'm sure!
I am also making a rice pudding from a recipe her son uses. It has dried cranberries, orange zest, and nutmeg in it. That just screams " comfort food" to me! It also has sweetened condensed milk and heavy cream. Need I say more!
Hopefully it will be exactly what we all need to wind down from a rainy workweek! I will let you know how it goes. Hopefully the recipes deem themselves share-worthy!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Life is better blonde!
My maternity leave is quickly coming to an end. Boo! I have absolutely loved being at home with my babies. I find so much fulfillment in serving my hubby and children in this way. I have truly enjoyed playing a stay @ home momma for the time being. I will pick back up when school goes out in June!
Baby G is growing sooooo fast. He was about 6 lbs when he was born. He is now 9.5 lbs, and beginning to develop all kinds of cute little fat rolls! He has the softest blonde hair, just like his big brother!
Big G is loving being a big bro. He likes to help feed the baby and retrieve diapers and blankets for his little brother. However, he has a severe allergy to any type of dirty diaper. I always roll them up into little burritos, but he can't be fooled. He tells me " Mommmy, it is still full of pee!"
Funny Big G quote: " Mom, sometimes people say hurtful things to each other. Do you think it puts a wrinkle in our heart?"
Bless it! Even though he becoming a "cool big kid", he still has that sweet childlike innocence!
There is nothing as wonderful as being a momma to TWO little blonde boys ( and a wife to a cute blonde husband!)
Baby G is growing sooooo fast. He was about 6 lbs when he was born. He is now 9.5 lbs, and beginning to develop all kinds of cute little fat rolls! He has the softest blonde hair, just like his big brother!
Big G is loving being a big bro. He likes to help feed the baby and retrieve diapers and blankets for his little brother. However, he has a severe allergy to any type of dirty diaper. I always roll them up into little burritos, but he can't be fooled. He tells me " Mommmy, it is still full of pee!"
Funny Big G quote: " Mom, sometimes people say hurtful things to each other. Do you think it puts a wrinkle in our heart?"
Bless it! Even though he becoming a "cool big kid", he still has that sweet childlike innocence!
There is nothing as wonderful as being a momma to TWO little blonde boys ( and a wife to a cute blonde husband!)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Baby G is ready for his party clothes!
Baby G is almost 4 weeks old now, and we have been home for 2 weeks. Wow, time flies when your knee deep in poopy diapers and dirty bottles!
Now that we are a little bit more adjusted, we thought it was a perfect time for Baby G to have a Welcome Home Party. There have been so much people who have supported us through kind words, prayers, and fundraising. We are so thankful and didn't want to leave anyone out of the fun!
We want to invite you to our home this Sunday, January 30th at 2 pm to celebrate and welcome Baby G into the world. We didn't send invitations, and it isn't a baby-shower, so don't feel obligated to bring anything but yourself! We just wanted a casual get-together for friends and family that have followed our adoption journey.
Obviously, I won't be posting my contact info or address on here. However, we will be glad to send you directions on Facebook. I'm not just being cordial here, we really want to see you there!
Message me on Facebook, and I will send you directions!
Now that we are a little bit more adjusted, we thought it was a perfect time for Baby G to have a Welcome Home Party. There have been so much people who have supported us through kind words, prayers, and fundraising. We are so thankful and didn't want to leave anyone out of the fun!
We want to invite you to our home this Sunday, January 30th at 2 pm to celebrate and welcome Baby G into the world. We didn't send invitations, and it isn't a baby-shower, so don't feel obligated to bring anything but yourself! We just wanted a casual get-together for friends and family that have followed our adoption journey.
Obviously, I won't be posting my contact info or address on here. However, we will be glad to send you directions on Facebook. I'm not just being cordial here, we really want to see you there!
Message me on Facebook, and I will send you directions!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Baby Gear and Baby Gas :)
I have been spending some time researching baby essentials today while Baby G is napping. I've determined that the world of baby gear is a scary one. There are $60 strollers that are as big as a beanbag right next to "newly released" European strollers that resemble a broom and cost a mere $500! Seriously?
Baby G is doing wonderful. We went to the doctor this morning, and my little cutie has gained 3 ounces since last Friday. Although the nurses commented on how good that was,
I am convinced that those 3 ounces are all gas. This has to be the gassiest baby ever. It doesn't seem to hurt or cause discomfort, there are just endless little grunts and toots all the time!
Life is WAY hectic with a newborn and a 6 year old. We are keeping our outings to a minimum. Part of this is the cold weather, and part is because I am too lazy to deal with a purse, a diaper bag, an infant car seat, and a booster seat.
Other than that, all is well. I am sleep-deprived and desperate for adult conversation, but what's new?
Baby G is doing wonderful. We went to the doctor this morning, and my little cutie has gained 3 ounces since last Friday. Although the nurses commented on how good that was,
I am convinced that those 3 ounces are all gas. This has to be the gassiest baby ever. It doesn't seem to hurt or cause discomfort, there are just endless little grunts and toots all the time!
Life is WAY hectic with a newborn and a 6 year old. We are keeping our outings to a minimum. Part of this is the cold weather, and part is because I am too lazy to deal with a purse, a diaper bag, an infant car seat, and a booster seat.
Other than that, all is well. I am sleep-deprived and desperate for adult conversation, but what's new?
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Two little miracles in the 4G family!
Yes, I fell off the face of the internet for a little while. Things have been crazy hectic, but I thought I would take a few moments to update.
Our adoption journey has been quite the emotional roller-coaster. We've done loads of paper-work, shed alot of tears, and spent much time praying for guidance and patience. Before Christmas break, we were beginning to re-think the choices we had made. We were prepared to switch gears and maybe research international adoption a bit more.
If there is one thing I have learned, it is to be wait patiently for God to act ( or not act). In my heart, I had ultimatums, deadlines, and deal-breakers already established. If things didn't happen the way I thought or felt they should, I was upset.
After driving myself and my family absolutely crazy, I just gave up and gave it all to God. I told him my inner-most thoughts and desires for our family, I poured our my sorrows and frustrations, and I prayed that whatever came of this journey, I would be able to deal with it graciously.
Shortly after my prayerful tear-fest with God, we got a referral for a baby. Blah, blah.....lots of adoption jargon....days spentwaiting and wondering....skip ahead a few weeks.
Our sweet baby was born in early January. G was a few weeks early, but very healthy. We are now back home and adjusting wonderfully. Our oldest son is in love with baby G, and so protective and gentle.
For those who say miracles don't exist- ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!! I have one spunky miracle riding his skooter through the kitchen while the other tiny miracle is sleeping peacefully in his cradle.
In keeping up with today's latest trends, I think it is fitting to say we've officially upgraded to being 4G family!
Our adoption journey has been quite the emotional roller-coaster. We've done loads of paper-work, shed alot of tears, and spent much time praying for guidance and patience. Before Christmas break, we were beginning to re-think the choices we had made. We were prepared to switch gears and maybe research international adoption a bit more.
If there is one thing I have learned, it is to be wait patiently for God to act ( or not act). In my heart, I had ultimatums, deadlines, and deal-breakers already established. If things didn't happen the way I thought or felt they should, I was upset.
After driving myself and my family absolutely crazy, I just gave up and gave it all to God. I told him my inner-most thoughts and desires for our family, I poured our my sorrows and frustrations, and I prayed that whatever came of this journey, I would be able to deal with it graciously.
Shortly after my prayerful tear-fest with God, we got a referral for a baby. Blah, blah.....lots of adoption jargon....days spentwaiting and wondering....skip ahead a few weeks.
Our sweet baby was born in early January. G was a few weeks early, but very healthy. We are now back home and adjusting wonderfully. Our oldest son is in love with baby G, and so protective and gentle.
For those who say miracles don't exist- ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!! I have one spunky miracle riding his skooter through the kitchen while the other tiny miracle is sleeping peacefully in his cradle.
In keeping up with today's latest trends, I think it is fitting to say we've officially upgraded to being 4G family!
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