Saturday, September 17, 2011

Date night turned into 2 hours in the paint aisle!

We are having our living room, kitchen, and one hallway of our house painted this weekend. Anyone who knows me very well knows that I am the QUEEN of indecision! I like almost all colors and styles of decor, but choosing them is such a task for me. I told my hubby that if I were house-shopping or visiting someone's home, I would love this color or that one. But going to Lowe's and choosing one blue out of the 500 is so daunting for me. I have hot flashes, I get teary and cry, I sweat, I stare at the colors until my eyes cross. When hubby got hateful and both boys started crying, I finally decided.  It was pathetic. Anyway, here is what I chose.

This looks great with the massive brick fireplace in our family room and our gold couch. Just realized this color is identical to the blue background of my blog. Maybe I should join that blue man group....

Really highlights the warm tones of our natural cherry cabinets. This beat out hubby's vote for orange. I hope I don't get tired of this yellow during the winter months.  

Nice neutral color for hallway. It's long and narrow and I wanted a shade that would be airy and fresh. This just screams airy and fresh, right?  My husband says it scream khaki.  

Quick update on the Facebook dilemma: I somehow deleted a few of my apps off my iPhone the other day, one of which was the beloved FB. I'm too lazy busy to re-install it, so now I am forced to sit down at a desktop to access FB. Once again, too busy. Problem solved.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Facebook woes and Falling

If it isn't obvious, I fell off the face of the blog-o-sphere! This is a crazy, busy season of life for us.

Big G is almost 7, and my sweet little chunky monkey is 8 months old. I will post a picture very soon.

I contemplated not keeping my blog up for several reasons. The first and foremost being that I really need to focus my efforts on my hubby, children, and home. Because I am working right now, I definately feel stretched at the end of every day. Laundry, homework, play time, story time, bath time, dinner....... It never ends. However, I really enjoy connecting with other  young Christian momma's. I'm not ready to give that up just yet.....

Another time-waster for me has been Facebook. I have been praying alot about whether or not it is a healthy part of my life. Although I do  buy alot of  clothes for myself and Big G from FB friends, I find myself frequently logging on just to see what other people are doing.

Seriously!!!! Why am I concerning myself with the goings-on of other people. Other than out of town family on my FB, I really cannot afford the time to browse through other people's lives ( especially when my dishes are piling up and the phone is ringing!)

Do you find yourself struggling with this aspect of social networking too?

I may do the blog, and cancel the FB. Or I may just restrict my FB activity to just virtual yard-sales and my online Bible Study ( through Good Morning Girls). I'll let ya know.....